مساحة اعلانية

مجلة الكترونية دولية مستقلة تعنى بشؤون الفكر والثقافة والأدب والفنون ..

Waiting - Dr. Abdulsattar Awaad - Baghdad


I have been waiting for you and I will
Spending a lot of time and I 'll kill
Time is but the succession of day and night
There will come the time when I see your light
Coming from a flower that is reared abroad
Which fascinates all of us, Earl or Lord

Would you kindly please please my eager eye
By your beautiful sight or let me die,
From optimism I dont withdraw, you know
Filled with hope and enthusiasm, high and low,
Tell me what do you do in a strange place:
 Optimal beauty of the human race.
So would you come to me without delay
Satisfy my heart and inspire my lay,
So I scatter to you all kinds of flower
And besiege time to prolong its hour
So still waiting for you my darling heart
 Reciting a song employing all my art.

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